Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • John Academy Courses are good? Certificate is free?

    John Academy Courses are good? Certificate is free?

    Following the trend established by technology to offer everything at hand, many independent professionals and many renowned institutions choose to develop platforms seeking to offer quality education in this same condition. Even though some people are still resistant to Distance Learning methods, it is undeniable that such methodologies are increasingly present in the technical and…

  • What is ACT Exam and how much does it cost

    What is ACT Exam and how much does it cost

    North American universities are known worldwide for their technical relevance and qualified professional training . Because of this, many professionals want to study at an American university and, notably, having a diploma issued by a US university has great professional relevance. However, entering a North American university is a very competitive process, which involves numerous requirements. One of these requirements…

  • EdX Online Courses – List with 5 technology courses 2021-2022

    EdX Online Courses – List with 5 technology courses 2021-2022

    The distance learning meets different needs, today, are shown present in the lives of most people, such as: Need for continuing education and constant updating of professional knowledge Flexibility of study routine to be able to reconcile professional training with leisure activities and eventual unforeseen circumstances in the work environment Acquisition of knowledge in line with the…

  • Does FutureLearn have free courses? Is FutureLearn certified free?

    Does FutureLearn have free courses? Is FutureLearn certified free?

    The FutureLearn is an English company that operates in the niche of educational technology. With its headquarters located in London, the company was founded in 2012 through an admirable partnership between Open University and Seek Limited, two true authorities with regard to technology applied to education. The accelerated growth of FutureLearn’s reach and authority demonstrates how much strategic…

  • Does Coursera Plus have a Certificate? Have Discount Coupon? How much?

    Does Coursera Plus have a Certificate? Have Discount Coupon? How much?

    The Coursera platform is one of the largest online courses platforms of the type MOOC ( Massive Open Online Courses ). Among its differentials, the following stand out: User Experience Cost-benefit ratio Diversity of courses, covering courses in the areas of health, biological sciences, humanities, computer science and technology in general Possibility of taking courses produced by the largest universities…

  • Codecademy vs Coursera vs Lynda vs Linkedin Learning

    Codecademy vs Coursera vs Lynda vs Linkedin Learning

    What is codecademy Codecademy is an online platform that offers free courses in the programming area. Through a fully interactive platform, Codecademy offers coding courses in programming language, such as: jQuery Javascript Python Ruby PHP JAVA In addition, Codecademy also offers options for those who want to learn markup languages, including HTML and CSS. Codecademy is worth it Despite…

  • Coursera vs FutureLearn vs edX vs Udemy – What’s the best in 2021

    Coursera vs FutureLearn vs edX vs Udemy – What’s the best in 2021

    Coursera vs FutureLearn vs edX vs Udemy, which is better? The so-called Distance Learning Platforms have been growing in recent years, with more and more options of courses and resources to make the experience rich and complete. But if you really want to invest in a course that helps your professional development, you must pay attention…

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